Finding Faith

A friendly open inclusive church for all.

Finding Faith

Pray! Anyone can pray any time. The simplest of prayers – “help” is heard by God
Spirit with a friend – no doubt you know someone who seems to know God
Come and join us for a service
Share your interest to find God with someone you meet at St.Lukes


Sometimes we hear something from deep inside and we can’t quite identify what it is saying to us Our desires, our longings, our disappointments could all be the beginning of hearing from God.

Find a copy of Mere Christianity – a christian classic
Look up the movie: ______ reflect on _____
Hear from God in a passage from the Bible John 14; John 3; Psalm 23
Come and share your journey with us at St.Lukes


How can I know that God is real?
How is the church, the bible and Christianity relevant today?


Participate in the Eucharist
Join us for Taize prayer or centring Prayer
Join us for regular services

I need help!

Illness; grieving; loss; loss of job; divorce; loneliness

Call us: 905-634-1826


Sundays 8.15 & 10am
Holy Communion

Wednesday 10am
Holy Communion

Wednesday 2 pm
Contemplative Prayer (Boardroom)